Brady has had a significant influence on our personal and business life. Being a family business, we all had a similar goal to achieve and different ideas of how to get there. We considered Brady as being young enough to be our son and also smart enough to be a dad. He takes a personal interest in your life and we all know how great it is to have someone to speak to, we felt very fortunate in having Brady, not just to speak to but also to guide us and come together as a team. He helped us identify one another’s strengths & weaknesses and put us on different paths to achieve our goal together.

Brady allowed us to see how to be more open minded to different approaches in effective communication together to reduce frustration and be more understanding and supportive with one another.

Martin & Diane

Brady Craig, his methodologies, his intelligence & his compassion will literally change your life!

I initially visited Brady after a highly respected recommendation from a business colleague who knew that I was experiencing grief in my personal life & could see that this was impacting on my business growth.  I went to Brady totally lost, I was struggling, my world had been turned upside down & for the first time in my life, I didn’t have a ‘plan’ & the future seemed so unclear.

My ‘excuse’ for seeing Brady was to build my business, however it soon became very apparent that, as we are holistic beings, everything flows from our values & permeates every corner of both our personal & business lives! The correlation had always been very evident, I knew the stats: when I was feeling low, my business was not performing well – funnily, I could measure my mood & my state of being directly from my KPI’s, that’s how much my personal life was impacting on my business performance! (These stats have changed incredibly since working with Brady!)

As business owners, it’s difficult to “work on your business” rather than “work in your business” largely due to time & energy restraints. Brady has shown me that when we work in alignment with our values, everything just flows! It’s not grinding hard work, it’s a healthy flow of energy that gives motivation & focus to the things we really want to achieve.

Business owners, especially small business owners, need so much support as they are such a huge percentage of our community & local economy. So much is resting on their shoulders & the buck stops with them, they need to be everything-to-everyone & often their own needs become very neglected & burn-out is rife.

Never before have I found a business coach that focuses on your entire scenario! Brady provides a scientifically-based, intelligent, holistic framework that changes your perspective & allows you to view life from a conscious place, rather than operating on auto-pilot formed from subconscious ideals that have been adopted over time without questioning or awareness.

Within the first 15mins with Brady, I knew I had made the right choice, & within the first few sessions, I had renewed enthusiasm for my business & my future!  I brim with excitement about our sessions & drive away in a state of awe that Brady has helped me see what was always there, but changed my perception to love my life again & comprehend what is truly possible!

I cannot recommend Brady highly enough! In the past, I have invested a huge amount of both time & money into self-development & business-development; I have attended countless seminars, bootcamps, expos; I have subscribed to many coaches & programs which I valued for the length of the program but didn’t really make long-lasting impacts. With Brady’s coaching, I feel like I have evolved to another level of understanding that I believe I will carry with me for life – now that I know this way of thinking, I can’t imagine ever returning to the unconscious, uninformed, ignorant way of blindly thinking about my world.  Please don’t be mistaken, it’s not all sunshine & lollipops! It’s hard work & it’s very confronting & the amount of complete honesty required is challenging, but the reward of living in harmony with your thoughts & finding freedom in every situation – good & bad situations – is liberating & simply makes so much sense!

Not only is Brady an insightful & intelligent facilitator, but he is a fantastic human being with a radiant soul who so genuinely cares about his clients & wanting to help others! He has proven time & again, that he listens so intently, he understands my perspective, he is empathetic to my feelings, & then, by being 100% present, 100% of the time, he subtly & gently goes to work, holding me accountable, placing a metaphoric mirror before me & bringing me to a new understanding of how life works & the healthiest ways to navigate the many lessons we need to learn during our time on this planet! He’s an amazing person that can make monumental changes if you’re ready.


Prior to working with Brady, I felt as though I was carrying around a lot of mental heaviness. Fortunately, Brady has helped me understand my past, and the events that have shaped my life, whilst simultaneously giving me the tools to see all sides of an event clearly, allowing me to move on from it.

Through this process I have learnt to see life and experiences as they are. With this awareness, I am able to see how past and current challenges are serving me and helping me in my life and business. I would encourage anyone with any mental ‘Baggage’ to give Brady a go because it is the best thing I have ever done for myself.


Recently I was in a big transition stage of my life and I was worried about what the future held for me personally, for my family and for my business. I was ready to make a personal leap forward, to start holding myself accountable to the things that are important to me, and to overcome some of the fears and inhibitions that had been holding me back. The thing was, I didn’t know how to move forward. This was when I reached out to Brady, he helped me make this transition by enabling me to think clearly, firstly about myself. To my surprise, this first small step was quite major. Once I achieved this, the fog lifted, and my family and business goals were much easier to conquer.  Brady has challenged me to think in a way I had never done before or may not have had the courage to do so, this has helped increase my confidence and clarity. If you are wanting to make your own personal leap forward, I highly recommend giving Brady a call.


I have worked with Brady for ~12 months on an almost weekly basis. Tackling both personal and professional mindset challenges which has unlocked new levels of growth for me and my business to a level I would not have believed possible in this short period of time. Brady has worked with my team and has begun to unlock greater cohesion and I can't wait to see where we are in 12 months’ time from today. Looking back at where I have come from personally in 12 months, I can honestly say without the level of coaching, accountability and support Brady has provided, I would not have achieved the results I have. I highly recommend Brady as a coach for individuals and teams!


We were really impressed with Brady’s knowledge and attitude, it was clear he’s passionate about his area of knowledge, and with that energy he brings it’s hard not to embrace his clear, consistent and appropriate message.


I would highly recommend Brady Craig, when I first started seeing Brady I was at a point in my life where life was happening to me and I felt completely out of control. Brady helped me find my way back to being present and an active participant in my own life. By aligning my goals with my core values, I was able to feel more inspired to go out and achieve. My health is back on track, my career goals are clear, and I have inspired goals and priorities. I have learnt the beauty of complete gratitude and remain grateful for all things in my life. I am on now on a new path in my life and looking forward to the future rather than wallowing in my past.


In the 6 months since I’ve started being coached by Brady, he’s guided and re-energised me into making a series of incremental changes in thinking and behaviour that has led to big time goal hitting! I’ve landed a senior role, taken up new hobbies that were always on the “one day list” and increased my daily happiness, purpose and direction in life. Brady’s coaching style involves a flexible approach, incredible patience, an infectious drive for self improvement and a professional dedication for keeping me accountable. He really empowers you to unlock your “A” game! A true personal trainer for the mind, if you’re thinking about committing your aspirations into action – give Brady a call!!!


I cannot recommend Brady enough, 5 out 5 stars is not enough, and I am really grateful for all his help!

I was struggling last year with certain things in my life, but have overcome many obstacles and still choose to continue with coaching sessions and meditation because I think mental health is the best thing you can invest your time into. My original problem was trying to ignore issues in my life, or believing they would just go away in time and trying to switch my mind off to them.

To try and tackle these issues, I originally saw a psychologist first and then I also decided to start coaching sessions with Brady at the same time. Both of them taught me valuable lessons and helped me see certain situations from different perspectives. However some of the things I really enjoyed with Brady was that the sessions were so open that I felt I was literally talking to a mate and could talk freely, openly and literally could just talk straight from the heart without feeling judgement. I really enjoyed our sessions and would look forward to the calls to discuss improvements or things I was still struggling with in my life.

Brady went above and beyond of what I was expecting, he would constantly check in or message to see how things were going and I really believe he cared about the progression I was making in my life and that I wasn’t just another client number. This was also shown in other situations where I had messaged Brady outside normal hours with problems I was struggling with and again he took the time to give me a call in his own personal time and help me find clarity in situations where I had felt completely lost. It’s events like these that really make his service priceless

The craziest part of addressing the issues I had in my life was that I didn’t change anything, the main thing I changed was my perspective of the events. Brady also helped me to learn from when things didn’t go to plan. I changed my outlook from trying to achieve perfection to achieving progression. Every hurdle I used as an experience to advance and grow my skills and obviously I still have a long way to go. In the end, it’s not the failure that defines us but the determination to keep moving forward despite it.

Mental health plays such a huge part in everyone’s life, yet it’s hardly ever talked about. I wish mental health was treated the same as physical health, that people would post about it the same, encourage each other the same and talk about it freely and openly without the negative feelings attached. Having someone like Brady has helped me start discovering the pathway of life I want to live, rather than the life I thought I “should be” living.”


When a friend referred me to Brady, I was at my wits end as to what to do with my life. I had no sense of direction and zero motivation. From the very first meeting with him,  I could feel that Brady had decided that he wanted better for me, that he could see more in me, than I could see in myself.

We worked through some tough times... but together, he was always supportive and encouraging for me to strive to be a better person.

As a result of working with Brady, three months later I enrolled into University (something I never thought I would back myself to do), got my fitness and confidence back. I have regained direction in my life and feel very inspired.

I can honestly say that if you’re reading this recommendation, you are only one step away from having your own version of success.


I will be honest and say that, at first, I was quite apprehensive about Coaching as I haven’t had any experience with it previous to Brady. I will even admit that I was quite hesitant to find the time and make a starting date. Even with my worries about the coaching process, Brady was incredibly patient and persevered with me which I am so grateful for. After our first session, I felt that I had made more progress in that one session than I had made after 6 months of seeing counsellors and psychologists. I felt as if Brady was very efficient in getting to know me and my background without dwelling unnecessarily on my past and addressing my current struggles. Brady’s manner of coaching was always incredibly respectful. Even when he was challenging me, he had a wonderful balance of gentleness and care. I really loved the wide range of exercises that we did together and found them extremely helpful and relevant to exactly what I was struggling with. In summary, I would highly recommend Brady as a Human Behaviour Coach. I can’t express how much my coaching sessions with him have helped me, and I have recommended him to so many of my friends and family as a result of the progress we’ve made together.


Brady takes achieving your goals to a whole new level. What he offers is more than just setting goals. It is all about changing your mindset, which then enables you to make the right life decisions that are in line with your values. Since receiving coaching sessions with Brady, I have become much clearer on what is most important to me & what I need, to have a truly happy & fulfilling life.  This sounds like a simple thing to understand about yourself, but boy, I was way off before talking to Brady.  It wasn’t until I understood my ability to choose the role I play in my own life, that I have been able to break through some limiting barriers, especially in my personal life. Now instead of dreading or feeling fearful of what I need to do to achieve what is important to me, I can instead feel excited about new opportunities & even challenges along the way. What a difference a change in your mindset can make. Thank-you Brady! These are tools that I will continue to build on & fine tune for a lifetime.


I am so excited over the progress I have made throughout the last couple of months while I have been working with Brady. Every issue I have brought to the table (which each felt HUGE at the time) has now become a non-issue. The process he takes me through is so effective and empowering and as a result I have been able to move forward in many areas of my life where I had struggled for years. I love his gentle, respectful nature whilst at the same time he has an incredible strength to challenge and push me to where I need to be. I am now living life more fully and enjoying the challenges and growing rather than retreating. Such value!


I had met Brady at various BNI events, and thought WOW! What an insightful young fellow. Various friends had advised me to go and have a chat to him..... I was very hesitant as I don’t open up easily! I finally found the courage to make the appointment with Brady.

Since working with Brady, I have found him to be life changing! I have in the past sought help from a psychologist who didn’t support or encourage me through my challenges. With Brady, he is on call for me, assists in setting me homework to combat my fears and work through the tangled web that is my life.

I had 2 choices – 1. Continue to punish myself and live a life of pain or 2. Follow the universe telling me I was a strong person and I would get through this a stronger, happier and better person than if these “events” hadn’t have occurred when they did, re-inventing my true self. Through Brady’s sessions, I have realised that there was a purpose in everything I was experiencing, even though I didn’t understand at times. He has helped me see things from a different perspective and makes me dig deep inside when working out the “benefits” & “drawbacks” of a situation presented to me. I am now thankful knowing that I can change my mood by changing my perspective.

We have a choice in how we view events in our lives. I still have times where negative thoughts reappear but I am now able to choose to change my mindset to a more peaceful/happier place. I am grateful for all the positives that have come from the events that have occurred, and I know I still have a long way to go but I am in control of that path.

So I would highly recommend, Brady Craig, to anyone who needs to find their path and purpose in life again. Thank you Brady.


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(C) 2020 Brady Craig - ABN 17751843630